Mariusz LamentowiczID SCOPUS: 10440547100

ID ORCID: 0000-0003-0429-1530



Department of Biogeography and Palaeoecology

Institute of Geo-Ecology and Geoinformation

Adam Mickiewicz University, PoznaĹ

DziÄgielowa 27, 61-680 PoznaĹ, POLAND

Tel.: +48 61 829 62 12



Full-Professor, Dr. habil.



Head of the laboratory of wetland ecology and monitoring & visiting professor at PoznaĹ university of life sciences



  • Testate amoebae (Protozoa) ecology
  • Ecology of peatlands
  • Palaeoecology
  • Biogeography
  • Palaeoclimatology
  • Nature conservation




Current studies

Ecology and biogeography of testate amoebae

Development of testate amoebae based transfer functions for palaeoclimatic reconstructions

Experimental tests of response of testate amoebae to change in water table depth and climate warming through manipulative field and laboratory experiments

Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from peatlands with the special focus on the last millennium

Ecology of peatlands


Recent projects

SCIEX Scientific Exchange Programme between Switzerland and the New Member States of the European Union ( Project CLI-MIC – Assessing the Responses of Peatland Micro-Eukaryotes to Climate Change Using Next Generation Sequencing. Fellow – Monika Reczuga (9 months – planned for 2014-2015), Swiss Mentor: Edward Michell (Laboratory of Soil Biology, University of Neuchatel), Polish Mentor: Mariusz Lamentowicz (Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Monitoring).

SCIEX Scientific Exchange Programme between Switzerland and the New Member States of the European Union (SCIEX). Project RE-FIRE: REconstructing long-term Fire Impact and its Role in wetland Ecosystems: Fellow – Katarzyna Marcisz (6 months, July-December 2013 – University of Bern), Swiss mentor – Willy Tinner (University of Bern Institute of Plant Sciences), Polish mentor – Mariusz Lamentowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaĹ, Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Monitoring).

(2013-2016) WETMAN – Central European Wetland Ecosystem Feedbacks to Changing Climate – Field Scale Manipulation. Beneficiary – Poznan University of Life Sciences. Janusz Olejnik PI, Bogdan Chojniki, Marek Urbaniak, Jacek LeĹny, Hanna Silvennoinen (BIOFORSK, Norway). Mariusz Lamentowicz – analysis of microbes and vegetation. Funded by Polish-Norwegian Research Program.

(2012-2013) Functioning of Siberian mire ecosystems and their response to climate changes Project acronym: CliMireSiberFatima Laggoun DĂŠfarge (PI); SĂŠbatien Gogo; Christophe Guimbaud; AndrĂŠ-Jean Francez; Daniel Gilbert. Alexandre Buttler; Edward Mitchell; Luca Bragazza; Mariusz Lamentowicz ; Site of research: Mukhrino Field Station â Western Siberia (Russia); Duration of project , July 2012

(2011-2013) Multi-proxy study of atmospheric pollution and paleoenvironmental change in two mountainous peatlands in the south-western Poland. NCN 2011/01/D/ST10/02579. FiaĹkiewicz-KozieĹ B. (PI), Ĺokas E., GaĹka M., KoĹaczek P., De Vleescouwer, F., Lamentowicz M.

(2012-2015) PSPB-013/2010 Polish-Swiss Research Programme Link entitled “WpĹyw globalnego ocieplenia i susz na akumulacjÄ wÄgla i róĹźnorodnoĹÄ biotycznÄ torfowisk wysokich – obecna, przeszĹa i przyszĹa perspektywa / Influence of global warming and drought on carbon sequestration and biodiversity of Sphagnum peatlands – present, past and future perspectives” Principal Investigators: dr. hab Mariusz Lamentowicz (UAM), prof. Alexandre Buttler (EPFL/WSL). Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaĹ in partnership with WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute, Laboratory of Ecological Systems – ECOS (EPFL) and Poznan University of Life Sciences (PULS) and University of Neuchâtel, Laboratory of Soil Biology.

(2011-2013) SĹowiĹska S. (PI), SĹowiĹski M., Lamentowicz M., Mitchell E.A.D., Lamentowicz Ĺ., Tryjanowski P. WpĹyw czynników biotycznych i abiotycznych na funkcjonowanie torfowiska “Linje” – jako implikacja dla badaĹ paleoklimatycznych. M. Lamentowicz – wykonawca. NN306060940 Minstry of Science and Higher Education.

(2011-2013) Mariusz GaĹka (PI). M. Lamentowicz, K. Tobolski, Pim van der Knaap, M. Obremska, G. Miotk-Szpiganowicz. Wieloaspektowe badania historii rozwoju torfowisk baĹtyckich w Polsce w celu wyznaczenia warunków referencyjnych na potrzeby ich ochrony. Instytucja realizujÄca: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza\WydziaĹ Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych. NN305062240 Polish Minstry of Science and Higher Education.

(2011-2013) Krystyna Milecka (PI), Olejnik, J., Chojnicki B., J. Barabach, M. Lamentowicz, Wysokorozdzielcze badania paleoĹrodowiskowe torfowiska Rzecin jako podstawa interpretacji wspóĹczesnego i minionego obiegu wÄgla. Instytucja realizujÄca: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza\WydziaĹ Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych. NN304078440 Polish Minstry of Science and Higher Education.


Past projects

(2009-2011) Reintegration grant after KOLUMB fellowship from Foundation for Polish Science.

(2007-2010) USA National Science Foundation, DEB Division of Environmental Biology DEB 0640052. RUI – Bryophytes as Biodomes: Bryophytes and their Associated Microfaunal Diversity in Two Cloud Forests Project leader: Dr. Dimaris Acosta-Mercado, University of Puerto Rico, USA., E.A.D. Mitchell (ECOS, EPFL, WSL, Switzerland) and M. Lamentowicz (UAM, Poland, informal cooperation): analysis of testate amoebae.

(2008-2010) Ministry of Science and Higher Education (NN305083935)

Przestrzenno-czasowa dynamika zanikania jezior torfowiskowych w warunkach naturalnych i modyfikowanych antropogenicznie (Spatial and temporal dynamics of floating peatlands initiation and expansion in natural and anthropogenic conditions) PI: dr Grzegorz Kowalewski, prof. Kazimierz Tobolski, dr Milena Obremska, prof. Krystyna Milecka, dr Anna Halkiewicz, Mariusz Lamentowicz – cooperation.

(2009-2010) Funded by Minstry of Science and Higher Education (NN305077936)

Relationships between testate amoeba communities (Protista: Testacealobosa: Filosa) and environment in minerotrophic peatlands of western Poland, PI Ĺukasz Lamentowicz. Cooperation: Maciej GÄbka, Mariusz Lamentowicz.

(2009-2010) Funded by Minstry of Science and Higher Education (NN305320436)

Biochemical processes in the acrotelm of peat-forming systems of fens and bogs (Ocena przemian chemicznych i biochemicznych akrotelmu i katotelmu torfowisk niskich i wysokich na tle uwarunkowa? przyrodniczych Ĺrodowisk torfotwórczych). Principal Investigator: prof. dr hab. Lech Szajdak: Polish Academy of Sciences: Lech Szajdak. Grant of the Minstry of Science and Higher Education (7 participants), Mariusz Lamentowicz – testate amoebae biology and palaeoecology.

(2008-2009) Fellowship for Mariusz Lamentowicz from the Foundation for Polish Science (KOLUMB)

for the visit in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) Lausanne, Laboratory of Ecological Systems (ECOS), WSL (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research) Wetlands Study Group. Project title: How global warming and human impact affect testate amoebae (Protists) in Sphagnum peatlands. An experimental approach. Seasonal nutrient partitioning between plants and microbial communities in alpine peatlands -PI- Luca Bragazza (Department of Biology and Evolution – University of Ferrara, Italy PI), Alexandre Buttler (EPFL/WSL, Switzerland), Edward A.D. Mitchell (EPFL/WSL, Switzerland), Mariusz Lamentowicz (EPFL/WSL, Switzerland & Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)


Two kyrs record of atmospheric supplies in Western (Hautes Fagnes, Belgium) and Eastern Europe (Poland): Impacts of regional pollution in peatbogs. PI Anna Pazdur (Instytut Fizyki, Politechnika ŚlÄska, WydziaĹ Matematyczno-Fizyczny, Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki) & Nathalie Fagel (Department of Geology, University of Liege). Mariusz Lamentowicz – palaeoecology.

(2007-2009) N N305 3259 33 Peatlands and buried lakes of Suwalki Landscape Park – a source of palaeoecological data, dr Galka Mariusz (PI), Mariusz Lamentowicz – testate amoebae analysis.

(2006-2010) European climate of the last millennium Millennium Sub-Priority 6.3 Global Change and Ecosystems SUSTDEV-2004-

The past climate and its dynamics. Integrated Project Co-ordinator: Prof. Danny McCarroll University of Wales Swansea. 40 partners. One of the partners is the Institute of Plant Sciences from University of Bern (Switzerland), coordinator – professor Martin Grosjean. Mariusz Lamentowicz works with team from University of Bern on a Sphagnum mire from Swiss Alps – analysis of testate amoebae.

(2006-2009) Swiss National Science Foundation project Addressing challenges in the ecology, biogeography, and taxonomy of testate amoebae for their use as paleoclimatic indicators. Principal Investigators: Edward A.D. Mitchell, Jan Pawlowski (Co-PI); Partnership: Håkan Rydin, U. Uppsala SE; Mariusz Lamentowicz, U. Poznan, PL; Harri Vasander, U. Helsinki, FIN; Ralf Meisterfeld, U. Aachen, D; Alexey Smirnov, U.St.-Petersburg, RU; Louis Beyens, U. Antwerp, BE; Bjartmar Sveinbjörnsson, U. of Alaska Anchorage, U.S.A.

(2006 – onwards) Funded from the budget of Polish Geological Institute. Climatic and environmental changes of GdaĹsk Balic shore in the Holocene – interdisciplinary study. Principal Investigator dr GraĹźyna Miotk-Szpiganowicz; cooperation Mariusz Lamentowicz – field work and quantitative testate amoebae analysis.


Palaeoecological reconstruction of wetlands transformation caused by building of Ĺťur dam lake (Tuchola Pinewoods), Principal Investigator: Milena Obremska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland); Mariusz Lamentowicz – field work and testate amoebae analysis.


Climatic changes in Pomerania (N Poland) in the last millennium based on the multiproxy high-resolution studies. Principal Investigator – Mariusz Lamentowicz; Associated Partners: dr. A. Cedro (University of Szczecin, Poland), dr. K. Milecka (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland), prof. K. Tobolski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) and dr. E.A.D. Mitchell (EPFL & WSL-AR, Switzerland).


Changes in the Natural Environment of Wzniesienia Ĺódzie in the Vistulian and Holocene in the light of interdisciplinary palaeoecological research of the Ĺťabieniec mire; Principal Investigator: dr. Jacek Forysiak (University of ĹódĹş, Poland); Associated Partners: dr Juliusz Twardy (University of ĹódĹş, Poland); prof. dr hab. SĹawomir Ĺťurek (ŚwiÄtokrzyski University, Poland); mgr Zofia Balwierz, (University of ĹódĹş, Poland); dr Piotr Kittel (University of ĹódĹş, Poland); dr Marek Kloss (Polish Akademy of Sciences, Poland), Centrum BadaĹ Ekologicznych; dr Joanna Ĺťelazna-Wieczorek (University of ĹódĹş, Poland); Mariusz Lamentowicz – testate amoebae analysis, palaeoecology.


Origin and dynamics of small lake-mire ecosystems on moraine and outwash plain areas of Pomerania. Principal Investigator: prof. Kazimierz Tobolski (Adam Mickiewicz University); Associated Partners: Prof. dr hab. Józef Szmeja (University of GdaĹsk, Dep. of Plant Ecology), Prof. dr hab. SĹawomir Ĺťurek (HolyCross Academy of J. Kochanowski in Kielce, Institut of Geography, Department of Quaternary Paleogeography and Nature Protection.), dr inĹź.Krystyna Milecka (Adam Mickiewicz University, Department of Biogeography and Palaeoecology), dr Grzegorz Kowalewski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Department of Biogeography and Palaeoecology), dr Katarzyna Bociag (University of GdaĹsk, Dep. of Plant Ecology), dr Krzysztof BanaĹ (University of GdaĹsk, Dep. of Plant Ecology), dr Krzysztof Gos (University of GdaĹsk, Dep. of Plant Ecology), Mariusz Lamentowicz – testate amoebae analysis, palaeoecology.

(2004 – 2005) Financed by: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)

Plant Survival in Natural and Agricultural Ecosystems The survival of plants is of fundamental importance to guarantee the biodiversity in natural areas and a sustainable agriculture. The sub-project (below NCCR Plant Survival) is: Pattern and long-term changes in pasture-woodlands: Complex interactions in a traditional type of agro-forestry (project 6). prof. Brigitta Ammann & Per Sjoegren (University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences) palaeoecology part is to assess the vegetation history from natural archives, Mariusz Lamentowicz – analyses of testate amoebae and plant macrofossils.

(2001-2004) RESEARCH GRANT OF THE MINISTRY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (3P04G04323). Development and origin of the mires situated in StÄĹźka Valley in Tuchola Landscape Park. Principal Investigator: Mariusz Lamentowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University.


Functions of natural and seminatural peatlands in nature and management structure of Tuchola Pinewoods, Principal Investigator: prof. Kazimierz Tobolski Adam Mickiewicz University; Mariusz Lamentowicz responsible for – Geology and vegetation study of mires of Tuchola Forestry Management.


History of oligotrophic lakes and mires of Tuchola Pinewoods based on chosen objects at protected areas, Principal Investigator dr inĹź. Krystyna Milecka (Adam Mickiewicz University), Mariusz Lamentowicz; field sampling of lake sediments, laboratory analysis of plant macrofossils.



Microbial Ecology (Springer)

Wetlands Monitoring and Management (Taylor & Francis, book section)

Wetlands Ecology and Management (Springer)

Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)

Protist (Elsevier)

Acta Protozoologica (Jagiellonian University Press)

Holocene (SAGE)
Limnological Review (Polish Limnological Society)

Journal of Paleolimnology (Elsevier)

Chemical Geology (Elsevier)

Journal of Micropaleontology (Geological Society Publishing House)

International Review of Hydrobiology (Wiley)

Plant Ecology (Springer)

SLETT (Studia Limnologica et Telmatologica)

Mires and Peat (IMCG)

Polish Journal of Ecology

Boreas (Wiley)

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology(Elsevier)

Quaternary International (Elsevier)

Quaestiones Geographicae

Estonian Science Foundation (ETF)

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)

International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology (IJHST)

Global and Planetary Change (Elsevier)

African Journal of Agricultural Research

BMC Evolutionary Biology

Preslia (The Journal of the Czech Botanical Society)

Review of Paleobotany and Palynology (Elsevier)

Climate Research

Earth Science Reviews (Elsevier)

Geophysical Research Letters (Elsevier)

Acta Oecologica (Elsevier)

The Royal Society (UK)

Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland

Journal of Quaternary Science (Wiley)

American Journal of Plant Sciences

Ecological Indicators (Elsevier)

Geological Quaterly (Polish Geological InstituteNational Research Institute)
Quaternary Research (Elsevier)

Hydrobiologia (Springer)

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Revue de Micropaléontologie (Elsevier)


Revista de Biología Tropical/ International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation

Environmental Pollution

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Journal of Ecology


European Journal of Protistology

Studia UBB, Geologia

NCBiR (The National Centre for Research and Development)

Restoration Ecology

Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies



Klub Stypendystów Zagranicznych Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej

International Society for Testate Amoebae Research (ISTAR)

IMCG (International Mire Conservation Group)

IPS (International Peat Society) Polish Commission VIII on Cultural Aspects of Peat and Peatlands

INTECOL (The International Association for Ecology)

Polskie Towarzystwo Limnologiczne (Polish Limnological Society) Komisja Paleolimnologii