A copy of the article should be submitted by one of the co-authors who is responsible for the article in the course of its submission and peer reviewing. The editors do not accept copies submitted by third parties on behalf of the authors.


The copy is submitted by filling in an interactive form.


You will be offered to successively fill in the form fields, and also to download files with the article and the abstract. The system will complete the data downloading if the input information corresponds to the requirements.


In the section “Notes” it is supposed to name potential reviewers for the manuscript which will be considered along with reviewers recommended by the editorial board members. The proposed experts must be acknowledged specialists in the research area and they mustn’t have personal interest in publishing the given article.


All the participants who do not meet the criteria of authorship may be listed in the section “Gratitude”. The authors must get the permission to mention those who are listed in the section “Gratitude”. As a rule, this section includes those who have given administrative and technical support in the course of research and writing the article. It is also essential to express gratitude to organizations and foundations for financial support.


The editorial office accepts the copy for reviewing on condition of getting the complete set of documents.


The set of documents includes:

  1. Covering letter. (Download Cover Letter form)
  2. File with the text of the article which meets the requirements of the journal.
  3. Information about each co-author of the article. (Download Information Sheet form)
  4. Publishing Agreement filled in and signed by each co-author, scanned in PDF format. (Download Publishing Agreement form)
  5. Media files, used in the text of the article, as well as photo and video files placed on the site should meet all the requirements of the journal.